CFSB was incorporated as a non-profit in 1971 and has been working within the fishing community for more than 50 years to make our local port resilient and effective in its efforts to:
1. Provide healthy, high quality seafood to local and global markets
2. Ensure the economic and biological sustainability of fisheries
3. Maintain California's fishing heritage
Our members are small-scale, independent fishermen, mostly operating family-owned fishing businesses.
To fulfill these goals and foster innovation, we connect fishermen, scientists, community leaders and industry supporters. We pursue new collaborations with trust, respect and transparency.
By building knowledge and skills, we create new human capital to achieve our vision of fisheries co-management, wherein fishermen share responsibility with government agencies in protecting our resources and preserving ocean health.
Our Goals…
Support new scientific research
Participate in moving fisheries management and policy forward
Establish resource monitoring protocols
implement effective stock assessment data collection
Add value to the products and industry of our commercial fishermen
Innovate fishing practices to enhance sustainability
For half a century, CFSB has vigorously worked toward improving the biological and economic sustainability of fisheries. We continue to pursue these goals and more in the new year, and we appreciate your support.